#e!#Farandulagringa –
"Thankful to my mommy for keeping all of my medical records, sticking by me, never leaving my side, protecting, supporting, but most of all, believing me through all of this," Bella captioned an Aug. 6 Instagram post, which included photos from doctor visits and medical records. "Living in this state, worsening with time and work while trying to make myself, my family and the people who support me, proud, had taken a toll on me in ways I can’t really explain."
She continued, "To be that sad and sick with the most blessings/privilege/opportunity/love around me was quite possibly the most confusing thing ever. one thing I want to express to you all is that 1: I am okay and you do not have to worry, and 2:I wouldn’t change anything for the world. If I had to go through all of this again, to get here, to this exact moment I’m in right now, with all of you, finally healthy, I would do it all again. It made me who I am today."
Bella also wrote that she would "be back when I’m ready" and expressed gratitude toward her followers. "I miss you all so much," she said. "I love you all so much."